Module 2


Our best motivator is your review!
Anna Votavova:
“Taking care of your child works wonders! You can negotiate with your child, keep him occupied and discuss emotions. My son has learned to occupy himself) Of course not 100%, but it’s already a result! He is more independent, calm and confident! I am watching all these changes and I am proud of my son!”

Thank you:)


Happiness in activities

– What is the Montessori UWL and how they help to build responsibility, self-confidence, a sense of meaning and belonging.
– How to organise activities to involve the child. Principles in the use of OLA.
– Differences between WLS at age 3-6 and WLS before the age of 3: new goals, objectives, class organization.
– Self care: how to teach hand washing, brushing teeth, brushing hair, cleaning clothes and shoes
– Dressing independently and with pleasure
– Child in the kitchen: how to teach to eat by yourself, without cartoons and persuasion. Organise space for eating, cooking and serving.
– Cooking as a developmental exercise: space, sets, recipes, description of the process.
– Taking care of the environment. Washing the floor, sweeping the floor, sweeping and washing the table, polishing, washing and ironing laundry, arranging flowers, taking care of plants.
– Quiet lessons, walking the line, politeness lessons.

You will learn how to involve your child in family life and create the conditions for building the child’s character: for independence, responsibility, confidence.